God Whispered To Me

He Whispered In My Ear
He Whispered In My Ear

Blogging, if you’ve ever thought about doing it, really challenges you to discover, deep down inside, what you believe in.

And when you post it on the Internet, the whole world sees it.

It really forces you to commit to your beliefs. And even better, it challenges you to rise to the behavior you preach about.

It’s transformed my life.

Now, God has whispered to me that others may also find this transformational tool helpful. You can do it. 🙂

But do you want to?

What Do Followers Want?

What do followers want?

Ever thought about a question like this?

Ever think about it long enough to determine a firm answer?

Why not try it right now. Think about this question.

Tomorrow, I’ll reveal an answer and we can see how closely we think. Carpe diem. 🙂