Fake It Until You Make It!

Spend your ENERGY creating positive thoughts and outcomes.

Fake it until you make it is another way of saying that our attitude shapes our thinking and our thinking shapes our actions. The single best way to improve our attitude is this: Force yourself to redirect incorrect or negative thoughts.

No one ever went blind by looking on the bright side of life.

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To Think is to Learn twice

Thinking is one of the hardest things to do, which is why many people spend so little time doing it. I’m not talking about routine thinking, like what to pick up at the grocery store.

Thinking, as in deep thinking. Self-reflection thinking. Contemplation. Self-examination. Questioning.

Challenging thinking. Painful thinking. Honest thinking. Uncomfortable thinking.

Spiritual thinking. Which, if we are lucky, will lead to prayer – and conversations with God.

Doing this, the difficult thinking, will actually lead to learning something twice. But the second time around, we come to understand it and not just know it.