Mid Life Celebration Wishes Everyone A Joyous Holiday Season

Why so many? What do they seek?

Midlife Celebration’s founder, jeff noel, has seen many dreams come true in his hometown, Walt Disney World Resort. So many make the pilgrimage to Orlando every year. Why so many? What do they seek? And what does this have to do with a joyous holiday season? Hmm.

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Change The World Poem

“When I was young and free my imagination had no limits, I dreamed I could change the world.

As I grew older and wiser, I realized the world would not change, and I decided to shorten my sights somewhat and change only my Country. But it seemed immovable.

As I entered my twilight years, in one last attempt, I sought only to change my family, those closest to me; but alas, they would have none of it.

And now here I lie on my deathbed, and I realize perhaps for the first time, that if I had only changed myself first, then by example I may have influenced my family, and with their encouragement and support, I may have bettered my country.

And who knows? I may have changed the world.”

Source: Anglican Bishop, written around 1100 AD – from the Crypt of Westminster Abbey

Happy Thanksgiving World

A sincere wish from my family to yours. We wish you:

  • PEACE in your Soul
  • JOY in your Spirit
  • LOVE in your Heart

We pray for this – for you, your family, and especially all those people less fortunate – every night before dinner.

And as many sit at their tables today, they will be saying similar prayers. This helps make the world a better place.

Too bad Thanksgiving isn’t an official holiday every day.

But, thankfully, many make it a daily holiday, even without official permission.

The Joy of Living

The Joy of Living is one of the most elusive of all endowments.

Why? Just watch a child and you’ll find your answer. Having a child (9-year old boy) in our home is a daily reminder.

We all, at least I do, need daily reminders of this simple fact, don’t we? Why? Because life is hard, especially in today’s challenging and uncertain world.

Every day is an opportunity to count our blessings. Anyone need a calculator?